LEVELS – Page 3 – FutureGate.io Google Maps Multiple Markers


7075675725   July 13, 2018 03:55

You have been elevated to the next level.  However, the first upper lines are heading TOO LOW. Those should be heading directly towards the point no 6!

591386935375   July 2, 2018 17:38

It was possible to pass you to next level, however there are minor mistakes in both brow outlines. Please always double-check everything!

5172366349   June 24, 2018 10:05

First of all, this work is really good, especially for such a challenging starting situation. Still unfortunately it cannot be passed here as a L10 completion for the following reasons:

1. All the upper lines have to have a filler line (as well as those should start at about the same hight).
2. When re-enforcing the lines, you have to hit those with the blade absolutely exactly, otherwise there will be double-lnes. In this brow there are unfortunately many double lines. This is not acceptable.
3. Last lines in the tail section of the brow have to unite to pt number 3. At the moment there is no ONE certain point that would mark the end of the brow and there should be. At the moment some of the last upper lines are also directed too low. 
4. It would be easier to pass this levels-section if you made Europe ONE brow pattern. In this sample you have used different beginning and different lower lines. It is harder to evaluate those lower lines because this brow is something in between the traditional method and Light microblading. If it was a Light microblading brow there should be a lot more fillers and stronger backbone.
5. Even if you are using pt 3 backbone, there should not be such long lower lines in the end because those make brow look un-natural. 
6. A lot more filling is needed (especially of you are aiming to do the brow Light microblading style). There should ne no holes and there can be a log more fillers that start higher up for lower lines (shorter fillers).
7. Point 6 area is not solved the best way. It should be even thinner and the end of the brow should be even sharper. And please do not forget - the tail section has to be filled in with the UPPER line style of lines, always.
8. Some of the upper lines are too straight. As with such a client everything shows, those should be a bit more curvier.
9. In the future, especially if you are aiming to create Light microblading, please make more shorter upper lines after pt no 2. 
10. All lower lines have to connect upwards (the ends can not be left just floating) -they must connect to backbone or other lower lines.

6465240333   June 24, 2018 09:58

Lower lines of this drawing are ok. It is possible to escalate you to the next level! (Y)

However, the overall drawing contains some totally unacceptable mistakes. I.e. The transition lines are done so that the last one is too far away from others and thus crosses with the first lower line. The direction of the transition lines is wrong and leaves the transition are too empty.

The second and even worse problem is with the last upper line - it should never bee that long even with the first versions of Europe ONE brow pattern. Nowadays, with Light microblading the upper lines begin to shorten after pt no 2. However, even with the previous versions upper lines could never be that long - it is absolutely unnatural and looks strange on a human being. In case you are doing microblading on actual clients please never practice such upper lines - it would cause the brow to look very strange.

However, congratulations, as in this case only lower lines were evaluated you were escalated to next level. Please avoid those mistakes in the future :)

20452048909   June 18, 2018 08:33

It is sloppy and there are mistakes - still, it was possible to elevate you!

- The first line of the transition should be longer.

- Lines of the transition can not touch each other

- The beginning lines are too short in 2 of your brows. In one brow, this is too long. 

587568316495   June 18, 2018 08:21

So sorry there is a minor incorrection in the brow on the left. When it comes to shape symmetry everything has to be absolutely exact! Please always check the symmetry, especially in the tail section of the brow. Everything around the pt no 6 is very crucial! 


You are a great artist and I'm sure you'll be escalated soon! 

584933474383   June 18, 2018 07:33

I'm so sorry - cannot pass this brow symmetry. There is a problem with the lower line of the brow on the right: point no 3 is too high. In the brow on the right pt no 6 is not the highest point of the lower line! 

You are an incredible artist - please just correct this small problem!

383740936232   June 18, 2018 07:17

6689927949   June 18, 2018 07:11

You have been elevated to the next level - this work is very good. 

There are some minor mistakes: 

1. There should be better symmetry regarding lower extra lines.
2. There can not be such a long last upper line! Please make 2-3 shorter upper lines instead of that. 
3. Every main line should have its own extra line!
4. Some upper lines are too long!

Please also become familiar with the principles of Light microblading because there are lots of changes! This is an excellent work of the previous era of microblading.

586337943631   June 18, 2018 06:54

You have been elevated to the next level.

This symmetry is done correctly.

223924944936   June 18, 2018 06:44

You were elevated to next level, however MINOR MISTAKES!

1. Lines can never be continued after blade has been risen from the skin.
2. The first upper line filler heads too much downwards! 
3. Fillers must be longer than the main lines. They should hit the end of the main line and continue towards the backbone. Some lower fillers are too short!

This brow can be made into very very beautiful still!

435552452648   June 18, 2018 06:17

Can not pass, sorry - minor mistakes. Upper lines are so crucial to a brow. 

1. First of all, the first upper line and the longest line of the arch must for an arch. You can not make the first upper-line longer later (too unlikely to hit the blade to the correct spot when trying to make the line longer). At the moment there is space.

2. Distance in between the starting points of the upper line should be symmetrical - at the moment those are not.

3. Upper lines should not touch each other. 

4. Last of the upper lines should end in pt no 3. (Otherwise it is impossible to see the length of the brow). 

Also please be kindly reminded that as all SharpBrows patterns are shifting to Light microblading we encourage to make shorter upper lines after point no 2, so that the overall amount of upper lines would be around 10.

7075675725   June 18, 2018 06:02

Elevated to next level. Suggestion: you should consider making the first line of the transition longer (otherwise you may have to fill in this part later). 

You can consider starting the first line of transition sooner so that the gaps in between the transition lines are smaller. 

587548524623   June 18, 2018 05:57

Elevated to next level. Suggestion: in practice the height on pt no 3 should always in between the horizontal lines from 1 and 4. It should never be heigher than 1.

5172366349   June 18, 2018 05:30

Elevated to next level.


1. Lines must be created at first without rising the blade from the skin. You can not lift the blade and then expect it to enter the same exact spot where it was before. Therefore those lines do not look perfect.

2. The longest line of the transition and the first main upper line must form a nice arch - at the moment the end of the longest line of the 3-line combo is not located in the same spot where is the beginning of the first upper line. It should be!



6763441933   June 18, 2018 05:26

Elevated to next level!

Suggestion: when you draw the backbone it is smart to leave LESS room for upper lines (especially in the beginning).

297481535528   June 18, 2018 05:19

Elevated to next level.

Still the end of some lines is too thick. The reason for that is blade being tilted to one side (left or right). Holder should not tilt left or right.

6465240333   June 18, 2018 05:13

Lower lines are done incorrectly. 

1. Please always upload 1 sample. 

2. The direction of lower lines is wrong - lower lines must end up on backbone, not point upwards.

3. Lower lines can never cross with upper lines. 

4. Each main lower line need its' own extra line.

6763441933   June 3, 2018 06:08


6465240333   May 31, 2018 08:43

Not good. Please compare with the sample and you can see yourself. Lines are not smoothe and arched. Please try again.

5172366349   May 29, 2018 08:56

Good job.

7026236877   May 24, 2018 08:57

Please avoid double lines otherwise the upper work looks good. Escalated to next level but avoid those mistakes.

6689927949   May 24, 2018 08:52

Good job.

435552452648   May 16, 2018 03:20

Direction of the upper lines must be? First upper lines must head to point nr 6 and then point nr 3.

Yours are heading down and if you begin with fillers the result will be not that good.

Please try again one more time. Compare with the sample. At first the difference might be not that big but it is important.

7075675725   May 16, 2018 03:15

Almost but not exactly what it has to be. Please check again the sample ant try to do the same.

You have to be able to make the lines smoothe and curved. Not too straight or too fat or double.

Make sure the where transition ends and from where you can begin with upper lines.

Please try again.

383740936232   May 16, 2018 03:13

Please compare your work with samle and try to follow the sample. Please try again.

7026236877   May 15, 2018 14:30

You are escalated to the next level but as you can see from the picture thera are mistakes all over it. But middle on is almos ok. Let's see what will you do in the next level.

Pattern lines must always stay inside shape lines. Beginning lines can not reach until the backbone. Where will you draw the transition?


7026236877   May 14, 2018 08:18

Please compare with sample and try again.

297481535528   May 9, 2018 10:17

All the pattern strokes must be done with blade.

223924944936   May 8, 2018 09:23

Fillers must touch the end of the main lines and go through them. They should be almost parallel with the spine. Please try again.

7075675725   May 6, 2018 09:36

Passed to the level 4.

6465240333   May 4, 2018 06:30

Passed to level 6.

435552452648   April 30, 2018 09:33

You have uploaded many pictures and this is the closest one to what it should be. Not perfect but passed to the next level.

Please always compare you work with the sample according to the level you are.

7026236877   April 29, 2018 17:30

Try again. Middle one is the closest but not as good as it has to be. Follow the sample.

20452048909   April 29, 2018 10:13

No no no. Not cerrect beginnings. Double line. Check the sample and try to exactly the same.

383740936232   April 27, 2018 06:30

OK- passed to level 3.

6898565325   April 26, 2018 15:21

Not perfect but escalated to level 2. 

The end of brow should be little bit lower.


7026236877   April 25, 2018 09:18

Not good. Please check the sample in level 3 and try to make exactly the same. 

Lines more smoothly curved and symmetrical spaces between the lines. 

Pattern lines must be between shape lines, they just touch the shape lines but can not cross the shape line.

5172366349   April 25, 2018 07:28

In this picture left brow (on the picture in the right) looks higher then right brow.

6111039309   April 22, 2018 15:23

Not perfect but escalated to next level.

Try to make it like in sample.

297481535528   April 22, 2018 15:13

Escalated to next level.

6465240333   April 20, 2018 09:32

Passed but not perfect.

Compare with sample - beginnings are ok but ends are spreading too much from each other.

6689927949   April 18, 2018 08:27


326909231144   April 18, 2018 06:50

OK - passed.

20452048909   April 17, 2018 07:24

Same. Not passed. Try again. Check the sample. Wipe off the pigment.

20452048909   April 16, 2018 09:02

Not good. Wipe off the pigment. Check the sample.

5172366349   April 15, 2018 06:30


Note! Direction of the first upper lines must be point nr 6.

386360836136   April 13, 2018 07:13

OK - escalated to the level 5. 

First one is OK. Second and third not. Keep the pattern lines inside the shape lines.